As our world continues to experience globalization day by day and mobility is increasingly facilitated, learning a language is a wonderful occupation.
Not only can it help when traveling, it also comes with a lot of other great advantages. It helps in many areas including studying and for career prospects both home and abroad.
Learning a foreign language enables students to develop various mental abilities at all ages. Here are some very good reasons why you need to learn a foreign language;
It can improve your network

In the process of learning a new language, you will undoubtedly know more people. Somehow, ability to speak someone’s language tends to take away any feeling that you are a stranger to them.
In other words, it will appear to them as if you are one of them.This will make them trust you better because they will assume that understanding their language also mean you are conversant with their culture.
Therefore, you will be able to interact with more people professionally and boost your network of friends globally.
Opening up to new cultures allows you to be more flexible and appreciative of other people’s opinions and actions.
As a result, if you are multilingual, you have the advantage of seeing the world from different viewpoints. It will enhance your ability to communicate in today’s globally connected world.
It enhances brain power

A foreign language is a whole new complex system of rules, structures, and lexis. So, learning a new language means your brain has to be able to cope with all the complexities as it makes sense of and absorbs new patterns.
As our brains work out the meaning of these patterns, endeavoring to communicate, a student will develop key learning skills such as cognitive thinking and problem-solving.
Also, it’s important to note that highly developed critical thinking skills are of significant benefit both academically and professionally.
It can sharpen the mind

Learning a new language will make you a conscious listener and boost your creativity in communication.
Evidence from several researches shows that learning a foreign language results in enhanced memory and ability to multitask.
You will be better at taking decision and remaining focus.
Studying a foreign language can be very effective in sharpening the mind. According to a study from Spain’s University of Pompeu Fabra, it was revealed that multilingual people are better at observing their surroundings than others.
Now this study was being conducted by comparing multilingual and monolingual subjects and the former notably had the edge in the survey.
It will improve your English language proficiency
Learning a foreign language makes you more conscious of the pros and cons of English language usage.
Elements of English language usage such as vocabulary, grammar, conjugation, comprehension, idioms and sentence structure become more polished.
Learning a new language also makes you a better listener as you now become used to having to interpret meanings and judge nuances.
It is a growing trend.
It’s apparent in this present dispensation that bilingualism is fast becoming a progressively necessary and essential skill.
It is important for anyone who wants to be able to keep up with today’s rapidly increasing global economy.
As more and more people are beginning to recognize the importance of learning a foreign language, those who only speak one language will begin to get left behind in the shift towards a more integrated and connected global society.
It looks great on your CV

Learning a foreign language will open you up to a ton of career opportunities. what i mean by this is actually good quality career opportunities.
In fact, there are lots of other ways that speaking two or more languages can improve your employment prospects.
Our world is changing fast.
More companies than ever are doing business in several countries around the world. Therefore, the need to hire globally-minded people who can speak at least one foreign language.
Ever dreamed of being one of those people you see travelling to foreign countries “on business” all the time?
And even in small local companies, chances are that the ability to speak a language other than English can set you apart from other applicants.
It establishes deep and lasting connections

Can you count how many times you’ve had to deal with that pang of discomposure because of an encounter with someone from a different culture?
You soon realised how the experience could have been enriched if you had understood that person’s language
And more often, these conversations involve nothing more than “Hello”, “Thank you “, “How’re you?”, “Bye”
And that’s it! You miss out on an authentic cultural experience because you couldn’t join in.
I used to have a friend from another country who I enjoy hanging out with, but we only speak to each other in English.
As time goes on, I think I could strike off a deeper friendship with him. On the other hand, he makes friends better with those that can speak his language and anytime I’m among them, I feel totally lost.
I know it is not possible to learn every language in the world and have an intimate knowledge of every single culture out there.
However, if there’s one culture that you’d like to understand better or even one person you’d like to know better, one of the best ways you can start is by learning to speak their language.
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