UNHCR University Corridors for Refugees (UNICORE) ProjectÂ
UNHCR University Corridors for Refugees (UNICORE) Project 2022 for African Students.
When is Application Deadline?
29th May 2022
Inform Me Regarding Award:
The UNICORE project – University Corridors for Refugees project, advanced by UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, was made to give evacuee understudies in African domains the chance to proceed with their scholarly profession at Italian colleges. Presently in its fourth release – and thus characterized UNICORE 4.0 – the undertaking offers youthful outcasts, frequently incapable to proceed with their examinations in the nation where they tracked down insurance, the chance to get visas for concentrate on purposes in third nations.
The drive, brought into the world in 2019 to permit exile understudies in Ethiopia to show up in Italy with a normal and safe way to proceed with their examinations, has encountered the rising support of Italian colleges throughout the long term. Beginning around 2021, with goal no. 281 of 10 December 2020 of the Academic Senate, Sapienza has likewise joined the drive by giving 2 grants to two evacuee understudies in Ethiopia. In 2022, with goal no. 53/22 of 8 March 2022, the Academic Senate permitted Sapienza to join UNICORE 4.0 to get four outcast understudies in Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The task stands apart for its comprehensive aspect, thanks most importantly to a wide organization of regional accomplices who support understudies in entering scholarly life and incorporating into the neighborhood social texture. Specifically, Caritas, Diaconia Valdese and Centro Astalli effectively take part in the task, as well as an enormous number of other global and nearby entertainers.
What Type of Scholarship is this?
Who can apply?
The necessities for applying are portrayed in the calls that every one of the partaking colleges distributes based on a concurred design. Every college offers a specific number of study courses from its own scholastic proposition.
Which Countries are Eligible?
Presently open to up-and-comers from Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
Where will Award be Taken?
What number of Scholarships will be Given?
Not determined
What is the Benefit of Scholarship?
The advantages delighted in by understudies showing up in Italy because of this drive are numerous and range from the month to month grant given by Sapienza to direction and scholarly mentoring exercises, to free neighborhood transport and convenience, showing material, PCs, phones, SIM cards, legitimate help, listening spaces, pocket cash, and so forth.
How to Apply for Scholarship?
The call, available in the Attachments section, will remain open from April 1 to May 29, 2022 and the publication of the selection results, made on the basis of required certificates and online interview, is scheduled for June 2022. The application form must be submitted exclusively by email following the instructions and using the application form provided in the call.
Students can apply for the following 13 programmes:
1. MSc Business Management
For specific information check here https://web.uniroma1.it/dip_management/didattica/corsi-di-laurea-magistrale/management-delle-imprese-manimp
or write to:Â internationalstudents-eco@uniroma1.it
2. MSc Economics and Communication for Management Innovation
For specific information please visit our Department website https://web.uniroma1.it/dip_management/economia-e-comunicazione-il-management-e-l-innovazione-ecomi-lingua-inglese/economia-e-comunicazione
or write to:Â internationalstudents-eco@uniroma1.it
3. MA English and Anglo-American Studies
More info:Â englishangloamericanstudies.lm37@uniroma1.it;Â iolanda.plescia@uniroma1.it;Â irene.ranzato@uniroma1.it
4. MA Mediterranean Archeology
More info:Â medarch.dsa@uniroma1.it;Â paolo.carafa@uniroma1.it
5. MSc Architecture (Conservation)
Programme’s website: https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en/corso/2021/30815/home
More info:Â architectureconservation@uniroma1.it
6. MSc Computer Science
More info:Â info-computer-science-degrees@di.uniroma1.it;Â casalicchio@di.uniroma1.it;
7. Msc Development and International Cooperation Sciences
More info:Â magistralicoris@uniroma1.it
8.   MSc Electronics Engineering
More info:Â ingegneria_elettronica.lm29@uniroma1.it;Â antonio.dalessandro@uniroma1.it;Â paolo.burghignoli@uniroma1.it
9. MSc Genetics and Molecular Biology
More info:Â prisca.ornaghi@uniroma1.it
10. MSc Product and Service Design
More info:Â https://web.uniroma1.it/msproductdesign/
or write to:Â msproductdesign@uniroma1.it
11. MSc Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
For further information, please check out the official website: https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en/corso/2021/28702/home .
More info:Â scienzebc@uniroma1.it
12. MSc Nanotechnology Engineering
All the details and info here:Â web.uniroma1.it/nano/en
More info:Â ingegneria_nanotecnologie.lm53@uniroma1.it
13. MSc Design, Multimedia and Visual Communication
More info:Â carlo.martino@uniroma1.it
Visit Award Webpage for Details
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