The Platform Young Professionals Bootcamp (YPB) for Young Nigerians 2022 
Youthful Professionals is at present tolerating applications for the 2022 Bootcamp. Youthful Nigerians matured 20 to 25 who have exhibited solid administration potential and are hoping to fabricate fruitful professions in Business, Corporate Employment or Governance
Application Deadline: 29th April 2022
Qualified Countries: Nigeria
To Be Taken At (Country): Lagos, Nigeria
About The Platform Young Professionals Bootcamp: The Young Professionals Bootcamp (YPB) is a 5-day in-home program for high potential long term olds to learn top notch pragmatic preparation, motivate advancement, drive progress in the commercial center and at last lead to change of the Nigerian economy.
Fields of Training: This year’s version has been smoothed out into 3 key areas:
Innovative Industry
Corporate Career
Type: Training, Entrepreneurship
Qualification: To be qualified for The Platform Young Professionals Bootcamp, intrigued candidates must:
- be between 20-25 years by July, 2022.
- have an enthusiasm to succeed.
Number of Awards: 200 members will be chosen from a pool of various applications to join in.
stories and encounters of laid out industry tutors across business, corporate vocation and inventive industry.
Local area and Networking: Fellows associate with each other and sustain remunerating connections that will speed up their vocation direction in the short and long haul.
Post-Bootcamp Support: Fellows develop the abilities and contacts they gain all through the program by making the most of nonstop expert turn of events, systems administration, and coordinated effort open doors given by The Platform YPB
Term of The Platform Young Professionals Bootcamp: 5 days. Setting will be conveyed to fruitful candidates.
Step by step instructions to Apply: Apply Here
Visit Program Webpage for Details
Grant Providers: Covenant Christian Center (The Covenant Nation)