Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course Recruitment 2022

Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course Recruitment 2022

Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course Recruitment 2022

Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course Recruitment 2022. Apply below!

Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course Recruitment 2022

When is the Application Deadline:
6th May 2022

Enlighten Me Concerning Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission :
This is to illuminate the overall population that the internet based application for Direct Short Service Commission Course 26/2022 has initiated. Application begins 25 March and closures 6 May 2022.

This gateway accommodates both Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course 26/2022 and Short Service Combatant (SSC).You are encouraged to peruse and get the sorts of commission prior to continuing to apply.

Applications are welcomed from qualified Nigerians for commission into the Nigerian Army (NA) as Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course 26/2022 officials.

Which Fields are Eligible?
Applications ought to be into any of the accompanying Corps and Services of the NA:

a. Nigerian Army Engineers. Candidates should have at least BSc (Eng), B Eng (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the accompanying regions: Land Surveyor, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Marine/Water Engineering, Architecture, and Building Engineering/Technology. Such scholarly fields should be enlisted with the Nigerian Society of Engineers and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) or controlling proficient bodies.

b. Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps. Candidates should have at least BSc, B Eng, B Tech, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the accompanying regions: Cyber/Network Security, Programming, Network Engineering, GIS/GEOINT, Data Science, Crypto Linguists (Arabic), Data Analyst, Social Media Specialist, and Digital Forensics/Forensic Analysis.

c. Nigerian Army Medical Corps. All candidates for the NA Medical Corps are supposed to give evidence of enlistment their expert administrative bodies and current rehearsing permit. Different necessities are as per the following:

Clinical Consultants of Various Disciplines.

Candidates could have a place with fields of specialization like General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Anesthesia, Neuro-Surgery, Cardiothoracic, ENT Surgery, Physicians (Cardiologists, Endocrinologist, Nephrologists and Neurologists), Ophthalmologists as well as Obstetrics and Gynecologists, Pediatricians and Family Medicine Physicians. Candidates should likewise fulfill the accompanying rules:

(a) Must be Fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria or comparable Postgraduate Medical College.

(b) Not be over 40 years old by July 2022.

(c) Must have full enlistment of Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) for the college degree and extra capability enrollment as fitting.

(d) Must have current MDCN permit to rehearse as a subject matter expert.

(2) Medical Doctors (Non Consultants). Candidates should have MBBS/BDS or identical with not over 5 years post – capability experience and should be completely enlisted with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria.

(3) Dental Surgeons. Candidates should have at least Second Class Lower degree and should be completely enrolled with applicable expert bodies.

(4) Nurses. Candidates should have at least BSc (Second Class) Lower Degree in Pediatrics or Nephrology or they should be in one of the accompanying classifications: Orthopedic, Anesthetist, Registered or Psychiatric Nurses (with BSc Second Class Lower Degree) completely enrolled with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.

(5) Nursing. Candidates should have MSc Nursing and completely enrolled with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.

(6) Professionals Allied to Medicine. Candidates should have at least Second Class Lower degree in either Spesch Therapy or Occupational Therapy.

(7) Pharmacists. Candidates should have Bachelor of Pharmacy and should be completely enrolled with the Pharmacist Council of Nigeria.

d. Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps. Candidates should have at least BSc, B Eng, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in any of the accompanying regions: Textile Technology, Textile Design, Graphic Design, Explosives Engineering and Explosive Science and Technology.

e. Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police. Candidates should have at least BSc, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in either Forensic Science or Psychology.

f. Nigerian Army Education Corps. Candidates should have at least BSc (Ed) or BA (Ed) Second Class Lower degree in Museology, Archival Studies or Curriculum Development/Studies. All candidates for Education Corps are supposed to give verification of enlistment their expert administrative bodies.

g. Nigerian Army Band Corps. Candidates should have at least BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND Lower Credit or comparable in Music with Associate of Royal Academy of Music (ARAM) and Associate of Royal College of Music (ARCM).

h. Directorate of Army Public Relations. Candidates should have at least BSc, BA (Second Class Lower) degree or HND (Lower Credit) in the accompanying: Strategic Communication and Public Relations, Printing Technology, Animation and Graphic Design; and Cinematography. Candidates should have proof of Membership of any Professional body connecting with media activity and news coverage.

I. Directorate of Islamic Affairs. Candidates should have at least BA, B Ed (Second Class Lower) degree in the accompanying regions: Hadith and Islamic Studies, Tafseer (Exegesis) and Qur’anic Science, Hadith Sciences, Islamic Theology and Hadith, Islamic Propagation and Religious Studies; and Qur’an and Islamic Studies from perceived Nigerian colleges, Azhar University, Cairo or Saudi University. Every candidate would be expected to create declaration of magnificent person from a trustworthy Islamic strict association in Nigeria. Candidates should have the option to communicate in Arabic and English dialects.

j. Directorate of Chaplain Services (Protestant). Candidates should have least of BA (Second Class Lower) degree in Divinity Theology from any of the Seminaries/Universities perceived by the NA Directorate of Chaplain Services (Protestant). Candidates should have a place with one of the 18 significant groups of the protestant confidence. Fighter candidates more likely than not served the NA with at least 6 years experience in Chaplaincy work and should be reviewed and suggested by the NA Directorate of Chaplain Services (Protestant). Candidates should give verification of Ordination, authentication and certificate by an appointed Bishop.

k. Directorate of Chaplain Services (Roman Catholic). Candidates should have at least Bachelor of Arts (Second Class Lower) degree in Philosophy or Theology or be an Ordained Catholic Priest from a Roman Catholic supported theological school, partnered to a National Universities Commission authorize University or Urbanian University, Rome. Candidates should have great remaining in the congregation and be delivered by a Diocesan Bishop with a proof of appointment. Candidates should be verified and suggested by the NA Directorate of Chaplain Services (Roman Catholic).

What Type of Scholarship is this?

Who can apply for Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission?
All candidates should fulfill the accompanying circumstances:

a. Be a Nigerian as characterized in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

b. Be a male or female between the ages of 20 and 30 years. Clinical specialists could be between 25 – 40 years old by July 2022.

c. Be therapeutically, intellectually and in great shape as indicated by NA norms.

d. Be prescribed and validated his/her great person by somewhere around 2 conspicuous refs who is either a Local Government Chairman/Secretary or an official of the Armed Forces not beneath the position of Lieutenant Colonel and same or an Assistant Commissioner of Police or more who should hail from the candidate’s condition of beginning. Visa photos of officials should be attached to the letter of confirmation.

e. Candidates should present a letter of Attestation from their previous establishments.

f. Measure in tallness somewhere around 1.68m (for guys) and 1.65m (for females).

g. Should not have been indicted by any official courtroom. Military staff applying should be liberated from any disciplinary case and embraced by the candidate’s Commanding Officer/Commander.

h. Have basically a first degree with at the very least Second Class Lower Division or HND of at the very least Lower Credit from any licensed establishment of learning.

Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Course Recruitment 2022

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I. Have substantial birth testament embraced by the National Population Commission, Hospital or Local Government Council or legitimate age announcement.

j. Have a substantial testament of condition of beginning.

k. Candidates should have NYSC release testament or a substantial exclusion authentication as proper.

l. Graduates with proficient capabilities should be properly enlisted by important managing bodies perceived by Nigerian Laws at the beginning of recruit preparing.

m. Just post optional scholarly certifications got from 2011 to date will be thought of.

n. Candidates should introduce legitimate contact locations and phone quantities of parent/gatekeepers and Next of Kin.

o. Applicants should not have any substantial engravings or tattoos.

p. Applicants should delicate all unique duplicates of instructive authentications (essential to post optional).

q. Administration staff should introduce legitimate military personality cards and letters of proposals by their Commanding Officers/Commanders. They should likewise introduce substantial letter(s) of NA sponsorship to tertiary scholastic organizations (where material). Furthermore, they probably served for a time of at least 5 years in the unit.

r. Competitors should not have a place with any clique/society/crew.

s. Applicants with capacity to swim will enjoy added benefit.

Which Countries are Eligible?

What number of Scholarships will be Given?

What is the Benefit of Scholarship?
States of Service

DSSC will be conceded for an aggregate of 15 years, for an underlying time of 8 years, inexhaustible yearly for one more time of 7 years. Direct Regular Commission might be conceded on change following 3 years as an appointed official. Other Service conditions incorporate the accompanying:

a. The DSSC officials will be waiting on the post trial process for the initial 3 years of administration.

b. Change to Direct Regular Commission isn’t programmed yet in view of use by a qualified dispatched official. It is anyway founded on accessibility of opportunity and different models that are or will be in force occasionally.

c. All graduating official trainees should sign an acknowledgment of the agreements overseeing the Direct Short Service Commission before they are conceded commission into the NA.

d. The reckonable time of administration for regular folks who become charged officials will be founded on the date of initiation of trainee preparing while that of military faculty candidates would be date of enrollment.

e. Clinical Consultant Officers on fruitful culmination of military preparation will be allowed the position of Major with status successful from date of commission.

f. Official trainees who effectively complete the tactical preparation will be allowed the position of Lieutenant (aside from clinical advisors who will be authorized as Majors) with rank successful from date of commission.

The most effective method to Apply for Nigeria Army Direct Short Service Commission:
(1) Go on the web and visit NA website page (see LINK underneath) and pick DSSC choice from the page.

(2) You will be diverted to the page where you can peruse the capability standards for the continuous DSSC courses.

(3) Click on the “Apply Now” button for the DSSC according to your capability.

(4) At the brief, you will be expected to choose assuming you are serving/have served in the Armed Forces of Nigeria, pick the proper choice and continue.

(5) If you don’t have a record click on “Join” (a confirmation will be shipped off your email) or enter your login subtleties and sign in.

(6) Fill out the structure and guarantee all expected reports recorded underneath are transferred:

(a) Passport photo.

(b) Educational endorsements.

(c) Evidence of participation of any expert body.

(d) Certificate of condition of beginning.

(e) Birth endorsement or age statement.

(7) All candidates ought to take note of that the capability determinations accessible are reliant upon the favored corps chose.

b. Print Out. Candidates should print out their internet based created photograph slip on finish of their application. The primary page is to be endorsed by the Registrar of any Court of Law while the subsequent page is to be endorsed by the candidates’ Local Government Chairman/Secretary or any tactical official of the position of Lieutenant Colonel or same or more who hails from a candidate’s condition of beginning. Fruitful candidates would be expected to take a composed assessment at chose assessment focuses picked by candidates or alloted as proper. Fruitful competitors would likewise introduce their printed photograph slips at Examination Centers and along these lines to the Selection Board during interview.

Shutting DATE

6. All applications should be submitted online not later than 6 May 2022.


7. For additional requests, kindly call 08179269294 and 08109959294 between 0800 – 1800 hours everyday.

Minimium Age 20
Maximium Age 40
Minimium Height 1.65
Minimium Grade Second Class – Lower Division
Application Period: 25 Mar 22 – 6 May 22

It is essential to go through all application necessities prior to applying.


Visit Award Webpage for Details



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