Kofi Annan Global Health Fellowship 2021 (Fully Funded)

Kofi Annan Global Health Fellowship 2021 (Fully Funded)

Kofi Annan Global Health Fellowship 2021 (Fully Funded)

Application Deadline: 1 December 2020.

Kofi Annan Fellowship in Public Health Leadership in partnership with Kofi Annan Foundation offers funded fellowship programme for the year 2021. This follows after the launching of the African Centre for Disease Control and Prevention on 25 May 2020 which was approved in March 2018 by the Governing Board of Africa CDC.

The aim of the Fellowship is to help the public health leaders (Fellows) accomplish their aspirations to acquire advanced skills and managerial proficiencies necessary to lead and organize public health programmes that are highly impactful on people’s public health in the society.

The offer is available to senior public health professionals from Africa Union Member States who in turn will become the leaders of a new public health order in Africa. And also groom the following generation of leaders in public health.

Kofi Annan the visionary founder himself led the Foundation by example. He established Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria which resulted to a changed approach of preventing and managing infectious diseases and the practice of public health all over the world.

African nations are in critical need of principled leadership who will implement a new public health order which aligns with the sustainable Africa’s agenda 2063 and the sustainable development goals where timely response is given to any public health threats.

Qualified for the offer are the people with a background in any field of public health which include medicine, environmental heath, animal health, policy, finance and other related ones.

Fact about the Fellowship:

For the duration of 12 months, Fellows will undergo advanced training in public health leadership by many experts across the world in relevant fields.


Learning Methodology:

Experiential learning shall take place through webinars, keynote lectures, online self directed study with evaluations, case studies and an individual leadership challenge project.  There will also be self-directed learning to accomplish a Personal Development Plan.

Fellows will have eight weeks of institutional residential placement as a cohort.  They will spend the rest of the training periods in their home countries.


To be eligible for the Fellowship offer, applicants must:

 Be citizens of African Union Member States

Have a post graduate degree in any relevant field in public health.

Have relevant professional experience in any field related to public health

Be in full time employment in any area of public health.

Fellowship selection:

Selection will be by independent committee comprising experts from the African Union Commission and Africa CDC, and their global partners.


Africa CDC will provide all learning and development materials, travel, daily allowance and insurance.

How to apply:

Applications are to be done online.

All applicants must provide the following:

A supporting letter from the current employer to confirm employment.

Letter of recommendation from two reputable professional referees.

A personal statement  (maximum 500 words) providing evidence of the candidate’s  commitment to public health in Africa.

A leadership challenge project proposal  (maximum of 750 words)

Having completed any application, applicants should send it as a single mail to kofiAnnanFellowship@africa-union.org

For more detail about the Fellowship, contact:

Dr Raji Tajudeen: tajudeenR@africa-union.org

Faith Nekabari Nfii: Nfiif@africa-union.org

Apply now for the Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership Programme 2021

For more information, visit the official webpage of Kofi Annan  Global Health Leadership Programme






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