Future Females Business School Tech Programme/UK-Nigeria Tech Hub 2021 – Enroll

The Future Females Business School Tech Programme which is powered by the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub is targeted at female Nigerian entrepreneurs who are utilising technology to build their businesses and impact their respective communities/industries.
To qualify for the enrolment, prospective applicants must meet the following conditions
– Be based in Nigeria
– Get her business compliant with Information Technology, either based on business app or an online platform.
-Must have 4-6 hours minimum to commit to the programme each week.
Ensure you meet all of the above requirements before applying.
The body awaits applications from prospective candidates for the next action.
Kindly note that this programme currently does not offer funding or business loans for post programme
For further details, visit the Official Webpage of the UK- Nigeria Tech Hub/Future Females Business School Tech Programme 2021.
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