Eira Davies Postgraduate Scholarships 2022/2023 for Women in Developing Countries

Eira Davies Postgraduate Scholarships 2022/2023 for Women in Developing Countries

Eira Davies Postgraduate Scholarships 2022/2023 for Women in Developing Countries

The Eira Davies Scholarship by Swansea University is a full educational expense grant, and will be granted to female understudies showing scholastic greatness and proof of monetary need.

Application Deadline: 29th May 2022

Qualified Countries: Female understudies from agricultural Nations. See nations underneath

To be taken at (country): Swansea University, UK

About the Award: The Eira Davies Scholarship is a full educational expense grant granted to female understudies who are nationals of, and commonly inhabitant in, an agricultural nation, who are confessed to seek after a postgraduate showed Masters program inside the College of Human and Health Sciences at Swansea University.

Fields of Study: Courses in the Human and Health Sciences

Type: Masters

Qualification: Applicants must:

  • hold a base 2:1 Bachelors certification or identical capability
  • have a proposal to concentrate on a qualified, full-time, postgraduate showed Masters program inside the College of Human and Health Sciences at Swansea University. Qualified projects can be seen as here.
  • satisfy English language capacity guidelines as specified inside their state of proposition and UKVI necessities
  • be female
  • be another understudy to Swansea University
  • inside their application, show solid scholastic capacity and monetary need
  • be a public of, and conventionally inhabitant in, a non-EU, agricultural nation recorded by the World Bank Country and Lending Groups arrangement as being low or low to center pay.
  •  Qualified nations can be found ‌here Eira Francis Davies qualified nations
    not be qualified for some other monetary help from Swansea University for example educational expense decreases through cooperative connections, grants or bursaries. Kindly note understudies advancing from The College, Swansea University are not qualified to apply for a global grant.
  • Qualified Countries: Afghanistan, Gambia, The Myanmar, Bangladesh, Guinea, Nepal, Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Korea, Dem Rep., Somalia, Central African Republic, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Chad, Liberia, Tanzania, Comoros, Madagascar, Togo, Congo, Dem. Rep, Malawi, Uganda, Eritrea, Mali, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Angola, India, Sao Tome and Principe, Armenia, Iraq, Senegal, Belize, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Bhutan, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Lao PDR, Sudan, Cameroon, Lesotho, Swaziland, Cape Verde, Marshall Islands, Syrian Arab Republic, Congo, Rep., Mauritania, Timor-Leste, Ivory Coast, Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tonga, Djibouti, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Egypt, Arab Rep., Mongolia, Tuvalu, El Salvador, Morocco, Ukraine, Fiji Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Nigeria, Vanuatu, Ghana, Pakistan, Vietnam, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, West Bank and Gaza, Guyana, Paraguay, Yemen, Rep., Honduras, Philippines, Zambia, Indonesia and Samoa

Number of Awardees: Not indicated

Worth of Award: The Eira Francis Davies Scholarship is a full educational expense grant.

Term of Program: Duration obviously or degree

The most effective method to Apply: Please make your application here.

Visit Scholarship Webpage for more




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