Deadline: Submission for this challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (Central Europe Time ) on 25th
June, 2021.
ENEL green power is seeking new tools and techniques, enabling strategies for improving the environmental sustainability and biodiversity preservation of its renewable installations, some of which include photovoltaic plants both on land and floating, wind farms, and/or hydroelectric plants.
Individuals, groups and organizations, anywhere in the globe, with biodiversity preservation solutions are invited to apply for Enel’s Biodiversity Innovations for Sustainability challenge.
Individuals, groups and organizations, all over the world, with biodiversity preservation solutions are invited to apply for Enel’s Biodiversity Innovations for Sustainability challenge.
Enel Green Power (EGP), a global leader in the development and management of energy production from renewable sources (wind, solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal), is aware of the value of the ecosystems and of biodiversity and is committed to the responsible management of natural resources along all of the phases of its plants worldwide, starting from the design, construction, operation and decommissioning.
Being one of the world’s leading integrated electricity and gas operators, the company is present in more than 30 countries across five continents, generating energy with a total installed capacity of more than 88 GW.
Since preserving ecosystems and species means respecting life, the planet’s natural heritage, places, and communities’ symbols, ensuring the protection of biodiversity should be one of the most important values by which a company’s sustainability is measured.
Through the Biodiversity Innovations for Sustainability challenge, the company seeks nature-based solutions to maximize environmental benefits and minimize ecological impacts.
As its goal, Enel is set to help achieve 4 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
- 7 – Access to affordable and clean energy
- 9 – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
- 11- Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
- 13 – The fight against climate change
Challenge rules
- All proposers are invited to read carefully the Challenge and the Regulation of this Challenge, attached below in the Attachments section, before submitting a solution.
- By submitting a solution they automatically accept the attached Regulations other than the Terms of Use of this platform.
The employees of Enel Green Power and of the other companies of the Enel Group involved in the organization and management of the competition or admitted to the open Innovative Portal back office, and their partners and their relatives up to the fourth degree, are not eligible for participation in this challenge.
Employees who have worked in the technical sector of power plant environment and impacts mitigation fields and that works in the moment of challenge, on power plant biodiversity preservation activities of Enel Group of Companies and any of their relatives up to the fourth grade determined according to Italian law are not eligible for the participation in this challenge.
Benefits of participation
The awards will be given to the best submission(s) as solely determined by the Seeker.
The total payout will be $15,000.
In case of multiple awarded solutions (not more than five), at least one submission will receive an award of up to $5,000, and the others up to $2,500
Click here to apply.
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