TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize 2022 for Scientists (USD100,000 Prize money)
The TWAS-Lenovo Science Award is perhaps the most lofty honor given to researchers from the creating scene. In 2022 the honor will be given for remarkable accomplishments in the accompanying underneath.
Application Deadline: 18th May 2022
Qualified Countries: Developing nations
About the Award:
Lenovo is a US$50 billion Fortune Global 500 organization, with 57,000 workers and working in 180 business sectors all over the planet. Zeroed in on a striking vision to convey more astute innovation for all, Lenovo is creating world-changing advances that make a more comprehensive, reliable and maintainable computerized society. By planning, designing and building the world’s most finished arrangement of savvy gadgets and framework, Lenovo is additionally driving an Intelligent Transformation – to set out better encounters and open doors for a great many clients all over the planet.
The quick development Lenovo has as of late knowledgeable about developing business sectors has provoked the organization to band together with TWAS to send off an undeniable level award to give worldwide acknowledgment and perceivability to individual researchers in the creating scene for their remarkable logical accomplishments.
During the initial four-year cycle (2013-2016), the honor subject zeroed in on the fundamental sciences, with the particular branch of knowledge changing every year: physical science and cosmology (2013), natural sciences (2014), math (2015) and synthetic sciences (2016).
During the second cycle the honor subjects are: Geological Sciences (2017), Engineering Sciences (2018), Agricultural Sciences (2020), Social and Economic Sciences (2022).
Assignments are welcomed from TWAS individuals, chose people, as well as from science foundations, public exploration chambers, colleges and logical organizations. Designations of ladies researchers are especially empowered. Self-designations and assignments from jury individuals won’t be acknowledged.
Type: Award
In 2022 the honor will be given to a person in acknowledgment of his/her spearheading accomplishments in friendly and monetary sciences that straightforwardly affect crosscutting SDGs and multifacetedness, including yet not restricted to:
- destitution and craving decrease (counting food and sustenance security)
- imbalances (counting orientation disparities and orientation savagery)
- quality training (counting comprehensive schooling and instructor schooling)
- wellbeing (counting emotional well-being, prosperity and pandemics)
- environmental change (counting transformation/versatility and environment funding)
- clean energy and safe drinking water
- Up-and-comers should be nationals of a non-industrial nation, living and working in the Global South for basically the most recent 10 years. The honor might be presented to a person for logical examination in friendly and financial studies of extraordinary worldwide legitimacy did at establishments in agricultural nations.
- Self-designations and selections from jury individuals won’t be acknowledged. Colleagues of TWAS are qualified for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Award.
Jury individuals and past victors of the Trieste Science Prize (likewise directed by TWAS) are not qualified for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Award. People who have gotten the Nobel Prize, the Tokyo/Kyoto Prize, the Crafoord Prize and the Abel Prize are not qualified for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Award.
Determination: The assessment and choice will be done by a definitive global jury led by the TWAS president and including a delegate from Lenovo.
Number of Awardees: 1
Worth of Award: The TWAS-Lenovo Science Award will convey a financial honor of USD100,000 given by Lenovo, as well as a decoration and an authentication featuring the beneficiary’s significant commitments to science. The honor will be introduced to the beneficiary at a unique service organized by TWAS.
The most effective method to Apply: It is essential to go through the Award Webpage (See connect underneath) prior to applying.
Visit Award Webpage for details
Award Provider:Â Lenovo, TWAS
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