2021 Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards

Application Deadline: April 15, 2021
Application is still open for candidates who want to participate in the competition for the Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards 2021.
Editions of the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards” are organised by the French Agency for ecological transition (ADEME), with the support of its Mediterranean partners the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and Plan Bleu. The competition rewards exemplary and concrete actions to adapt to climate change in the Mediterranean.
This competition is aimed at organizations within the Mediterranean bioclimatic zone:
- Local authority • National body • Public university • NGO in partnership with a local public stakeholder • Companies or members of the private sector in partnership with a local public stakeholder
- This competition concerns the regions included within the Mediterranean bioclimatic zone, i.e. part or all of the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestinian National Authority,
Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey.
- Tailored support from the partners (study tour, meetings with technical and financial partners) • Invitations to an international workshop (ECCA 2021) • International promotion of your actions (press communications, dedicated publication, short movie).
For further details, log on to the official webpage of the Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards 2021
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